Tenement EPL 6987 (called Koppies) was the first of Elevate Uranium’s strategically located tenements in the Namib Desert region of Namibia, to be explored. Exploration and subsequent resource drilling has identified a 55.9 Mlb uranium resource, 50% of which is within 7 metres of surface. 78% of the resources (43.6 Mlb is in the JORC Indicated category.
Uranium mineralisation identified at Koppies is the same style of ore used to develop Elevate’s U-pgrade™ uranium beneficiation process. The Company, is therefore, confident that based on the results of the Marenica Uranium Scoping Study, U-pgrade™ could be successfully applied if mining and processing operations were developed at Koppies, for a consequent significant reduction in development costs compared to Elevate’s peers with similar grade ores in Namibia. For more information refer to the U-pgrade™ page of our website.
The location of the Koppies mineralisation is shown in Figure 1.
The location of Elevate Uranium's 100% owned Koppies Uranium resource relative to the Company's other tenements of the Koppies Project, is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 1 - Location of Koppies resource area
The Company is planning to develop the Koppies Project with an U-pgradeTM demonstration plant scheduled for operation in Namibia in late 2025.
The Company excavated test pits at various locations within the Koppies resource area, as shown in Figure 1, to provide varying lithology and grade samples for metallurgical testing with U-pgradeTM.
The photos below show the excavation process and the mineralisation encountered.

Figure 2 – Excavation of Test Pits at Koppies Resource

Figure 3 – Mineralisation showing yellow uranium mineral, Carnotite

Figure 4 – Mineralisation showing yellow uranium mineral, Carnotite

Figure 5 - Map of the Koppies Uranium Project, Namibia